Cryptography and Information Security Lab

Department of Computer Science and Automation
Pranav Shriram A
Pranav Shriram A

I am currently pursuing my fourth year BTech in Computer Science at NIT Trichy. I am greatly intrigued by Cryptography and it's applications in the real world. In Cryptography my interests include Multi Party Computation and Zero Knowledge Proofs. In my free time I like playing chess and watching sports.

Pranav Shriram A
Pranav Shriram A
Publications and Preprints (2)
Ruffle: Rapid 3-Party Shuffle Protocols

Pranav Shriram ANishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaArpita PatraBhavish Raj Gopal and Somya Sangal

Find Thy Neighbourhood: Privacy-Preserving Local Clustering

Pranav Shriram ANishat KotiVarsha Bhat KukkalaArpita Patra and Bhavish Raj Gopal
